Accurate cupcake decorating: chocolate topped cupcakes
If you have ever worked with cupcakes, you know that, in the cupcake production process, it is near impossible to produce cupcakes without the chocolate running over the edge. So cupcake producers either choose to not cover the complete surface or they accept that the consumers will get dirty hands eating their products.

Finally, mess-free cupcake production
Ever wondered how they cover the surface of a cupcake right up until the edge without spilling any chocolate on the cup? Take a look at the following video and you will find out how a FoodJet MDM precision depositing system gets the job done: no spilling on the belt and with a beautiful result. This technology revolutionizes cupcake production, ensuring precise and flawless chocolate decoration every time.
Enhance cupcake production efficiency: clean conveyors are key
Once you put all the chocolate on the product, there is no more chocolate going onto the belt. Next to saving money on otherwise wasted chocolate, you can also book significant savings because you don't have to clean your conveyors that often anymore. Did you know that we also provide the material supply to the depositing system? Check this data sheet for more information on our PUL supply system.
Other interesting applications
FoodJet's depositing solutions are custom-designed to match your cupcake production process's specific requirements and preferences. This ensures that each machine is unique! It enables us to create depositing solutions for a diverse array of materials. Explore other interesting applications:
Typical system configuration of a cupcake production depositor
Give your cupcake production an upgrade with FoodJet. A topped cupcakes application could comprise the following:
You want to increase accuracy, improve line speed and
add an unique touch to your product? Let us help you!